Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fasten Your Seat Belts. It's Going to be Bumpy Ride.

Definitely interesting times ahead! It would have been a rough ride for either candidate as the new president. Let's hope that all the parties involved can get together and work everything out. That's going to mean leaving a lot of egos at the door! LOL! I tend to be a glass half full person so I am choosing to look at this a chance for a brighter future.

We noticed in the results that Clermont County stayed staunchly Republican even though Ohio went decidedly Democrat. Good thing for Jean Schmidt! I 've had indirect contact with her at some of the local running races and she seems like a very friendly and likeable person. She's a great runner too. She's as fast as the 20 somethings! I admire that.

Indiana couldn't have been any closer! It was less than a 1% difference in votes. Very exciting!

It was also really great to watch the kids witness history in the making! They were into the results last night and even asked to stay up for Obama's acceptance speech. I have to admit that I could NOT stay awake.

I'm so glad a decision has been made. Can't wait to see what the future brings!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Wow! I can't believe it's finally here. And I'm probably like most people and am ready for it to be over and done with. I've mostly been avoiding the news this past week just to get a break from all the political talk.

Well, I guess we'll know the outcome soon. Whatever happens, I hope our country can get it together and move on quickly.

I am truly hoping and wishing for a healthy nation and world again. Can't we just all be friends? LOL!
