Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fasten Your Seat Belts. It's Going to be Bumpy Ride.

Definitely interesting times ahead! It would have been a rough ride for either candidate as the new president. Let's hope that all the parties involved can get together and work everything out. That's going to mean leaving a lot of egos at the door! LOL! I tend to be a glass half full person so I am choosing to look at this a chance for a brighter future.

We noticed in the results that Clermont County stayed staunchly Republican even though Ohio went decidedly Democrat. Good thing for Jean Schmidt! I 've had indirect contact with her at some of the local running races and she seems like a very friendly and likeable person. She's a great runner too. She's as fast as the 20 somethings! I admire that.

Indiana couldn't have been any closer! It was less than a 1% difference in votes. Very exciting!

It was also really great to watch the kids witness history in the making! They were into the results last night and even asked to stay up for Obama's acceptance speech. I have to admit that I could NOT stay awake.

I'm so glad a decision has been made. Can't wait to see what the future brings!



Pam C said...

Yes, everywhere we went we saw McCain/Palin signs in people's yards. We went to a wedding Saturday night and the topic was the election. Johnny made the mistake of telling some of the drunks that he was voting for Obama and then they were on him like flies on @#$%! I told him not to tell people who he is voting for. I think he learned that lesson.

I am hopeful that Obama will do good for this country. If people will give him the chance. I've heard some people say that he will be assassinated. I pray that isn't true.

I voted for Jean Schmidt. My mom has spoken to her on several issues and really liked her. Did you hear that she got hit by a car when she was out running? It must not have injured her too bad because she is still going.

How are things going for everyone? Did Barb & Jim get their porch finished? Put a picture on this blog.

Take care....Pam

Anonymous said...

We were for Obama also. I too hope people will give him a chance and not have unrealistic expectations.
After all he is only human!

Yes, I heard about Jean Schmidt and the car accident. We try to keep on Cincinnati new as best we can on the computer. I am glad she seems to be OK. It's also good to hear your Mom has had good responses from her. I never knew of a reason not to support her other than her party.

That's funny about Johnny at the wedding. I usually try to stay quiet exactly for that reason.

Yes, the porch is finished. I will make a point of getting a picture.

I hope everyone is fine there. I'll talk to you later!


Pam C said...

How was your Christmas? I keep checking this blog, but alas, no updates. Keep in touch!