Monday, October 6, 2008

James Had a Birthday!

He is now officially a teen! That makes me happy AND sad. I guess that is what is called bittersweet. I truly enjoy having him as a son and it's a little hard to accept that he isn't a little boy anymore. He will be ready to be on his own before we know it.

James and I went to Subway and a couple of book stores on Friday (his actual birthday). Then we had a little party on Saturday. I made him a heart shaped german chocolate cake as he requested. Of course there was ice cream and gifts! He seemed pleased with everything. So that pleases us too! LOL!

Jim and Barb are in the process of painting their new deck roof. It turned out really nice. I'll take pics when they are finished.

The kids went mushroom hunting with Jim this afternoon. No luck today. But last week Jim found a whole bunch and deep fried them for us Friday night. Oh Boy! Were they good! Also that same evening Paige got chased by a dog on the main street in town. It came running and snarling at her from across the street as she was walking home from Subway. She crouched down into a ball and as it got close she threw her food away from her. That distracted the dog and it ran in the direction of the food. Then she ran in the opposite direction and called us to pick her up. It really shook her up. But she was OK thank goodness!

The next birthday for our family is Lauren's! Oct. 17th!

More later...


Pam C said...

Tell him we all said Happy Birthday!!! It's hard to believe that he is 13. They are growing up fast.

Pam C said...

Hey, what's been going on lately?