Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We Moved! Transition in Progress...

We're back home in Ohio! I'm happy to be back and working on our house again. It was definitely deteriorating from being left unattended for two years. We are very lucky that no vandalism or permanent damage transpired. We've been back for about a month now and are slowly losing steam on our home improvements. Jim is still commuting. Between all the driving, his work during the week, and working at home on the weekend, he is getting tired. He actually has a cold right now. I'm sure we'll up momentum again once he is officially laid off and home full time. I really need to take pictures of the changes taking place! When will I ever learn? I was doing so well for awhile as you can see from previous posts. I must get back into the habit of taking pictures.

We changed the floor plan of the house by adding a few walls. The former living room is now the master bedroom. The old dining room is now the living room. We were going to reinstall a full set of steps but have decided for now we like our Little House in the Prairie ladder/steps! I know a lot of people don't like or understand them but I tend to appreciate outside of the box thinking/design. I like different and they work! lol The small downstairs bedroom is going to be our new workout room once its contents are sorted and unpacked. That will be so nice. I'm ready to get back to my weight training.

I've been running a lot and have a blog devoted to running and working out. It's in my favorite links under The Reiki Runner if you are interested in taking a look! In the meantime, I'll see what I can do about taking some pictures for this blog. : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I still have the cold. I hope I feel normal again by Friday.