Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Let the Sun Shine!

What a relief! The weather was really nice today. Water levels are going down!

I walked to the post office, over to the water department to pay our bill, and stopped by Barb and Jim's on the way back. They gave me a can crusher they picked up for us. Thank you, thank you , thank you! That will be very helpful. James has been collecting cans and cashing them in for spending money. Those cans take up so much room when they aren't crushed. I'll have to take picture him with his cans. LOL!

Later in the day after school, I took a walk with Jesse and Coco. I took a few pictures while I was out so you can see our house and see how Coco looks these days. She is just as sweet as ever but her legs seem to be bothering her more than ever. Even though her age is catching up with her, she never refuses a walk. She still loves to go out!

I just remembered that the boys went mushroom hunting with Jim last week. They really enjoyed it even though they only found one. They ended their outing with Dairy Queen! It turned out much better than last time they went when Jesse got separated from the group and fell in a mud hole! LOL! He was covered in mud like he rolled in it! LOL! Too funny.

The kids are all ready looking forward to having a fire this weekend. We like doing that a lot. Lately Jim has been asking trivia questions during fire time. That makes things interesting and really fun. And of course there are marshmallows and s'mores! That's MY favorite part.

I hope the power is back on in Cincinnati. You guys got hit pretty hard! When I taked to Lauren, she said they lost their electric for about 24 hrs. The transformer next to Dad and Dory's exploded! Mom lost her power too. Everyone said they had never experienced wind like that before and that it was scary!

1 comment:

Pam C said...

We just got electric on Saturday, the 20th, and cable services this morning, the 22nd. Thank God!

I really like your blog. Is it easier than myspace?

Tell everyone I said hi. Let me know if Chrissy gets the house.
