Thursday, September 25, 2008

Nicki Breaks a Leg

For real! And of all days for it to happen... Damien's first birthday. She tripped over something at their place and really did a job on it. Jim said when he saw it, he could tell it was broken. She is having surgery tonight. I feel so bad for her. I hope everything goes well with her surgery.

I stopped over at Chrissy's this evening to pick up Paige and take a few pics of the kids on Damien's birthday. He'll be walking any day now! We were planning on celebrating this Saturday. Nicki might not feel like it though. I guess we'll have to play it by ear.

We joined the YMCA this morning. Paige and I are going to take the fitness classes. The boys will probably play basketball in a month or so. I hope they will let Paige participate in the Tuesday night volleyball. It's supposed to be for adults. But maybe they'll bend the rules a little for her. We'll see! This will give the kids someplace to look forward to going and more things to do to keep them busy.

School is going well. The boys did most of their work tonight so they can have their day free tomorrow. Now that Jesse is getting a little older, I can see him making progress in getting things finished on his own without as much prompting from me. That works for me!

1 comment:

Pam C said...

The boys are all growing up so fast! I almost didn't recognize Dillian. He's let his hair grow out. I guess that's the style with the boys right now. It was when I was in high school too.

I feel sorry for Nikki. I've never broken a bone before, and I don't want to. I fell a couple of times last week, but all I have to show for it is a few bruises. It's going to be hard for to take care of Damien. I guess it's a good thing all of you live close by!