Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fun at the Fish Fry

It was a beautiful day! Jim and Jim started off the day by continuing the deck roof project over at Barb and Jim's house. It's looking really good. I bet they'll get it finished pretty soon. This time they had assistance from James and Dillian. I think the boys were a big help and they stuck with it the whole day!

We ended the day with a fish fry and a fire. Jim caught, filleted, and fried the fish. It was really good! Chrissy made cheesy potatoes and tartar sauce. We brought some stir fry veggies. Chrissy also made some Grandma's mistake bars for dessert. They are made with an oat mixture crust and topping with a rich chocolate layer in between. I most definitely overate. I was fine until I had a second mistake bar by the fire later. I didn't feel so good after that. There was no way I could fit in a S'more at the fire! Will I ever learn?


Pam C said...

Did they get the roof finished?

Denise said...

Almost! Just a few small things left to do. And then they will paint it.